Monday, January 7, 2013

Brachypelma Klaasi (Mexican Pink Tarantula)

The Brachypelma klaasi (also called Mexican Pink) is a tarantula endemic to Mexico and can be found in North and Central America. This beautiful tarantula can grow up to 5-6inches its beautiful color and docile behavior makes it one of the best pet to keep for a beginner. This tarantula also looks like Brachypelma Boehmie

Tarantula Information
Regions Found: Mexican, North and central america
Class: Terrestrial
Longevity: Very slow and long lived. Live for up to 20 years.
Adult Size: Grows to about 13-17cm
Temperament: Very calm and docile
Urticating Hairs: Yes, less prone to use compared to similar species
Venom Potency: Low toxicity, comparable to a bee sting
Brachypelma smithi Housing Requirements
Tarantula Housing: Floor space is more important than height, a deep substrate should be provided for burrowing. A good retreat is required, maybe a few in strategic places.
Temperature: 24-30°C (75-86°F)
Humidity: About 55-65%
Special Requirements: No special requirements.
Brachypelma smithi Diet
Livefood insects such as cricketsmealwormssuperwormshouseflies and other Small insects


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